A love triangle spanning 200 years...Alma Katsu takes readers on a breathtaking journey through the landscape of the heart."New York Times" bestselling author Scott Westerfeld ("Leviathan") praises Alma Katsu's "The Taker" as, "a centuries-spanning epic that will keep you turning pages all night. This marvelous debut is a thinking person's guilty pleasure." And Keith Donohue ("The Stolen Child") says, ""The Taker" is a frighteningly compelling story about those most human monsters--desire and obsession. It will curl your hair and keep you up late at night."
Now Alma Katsu delivers the highly anticipated follow-up to her haunting novel about an immortal woman learning firsthand that the heart wants what the heart wants...no matter how high the stakes. Fans of "The Taker" can finally indulge in their next juicy fix with the second book of the trilogy, "The Reckoning." In this gripping, pulse-pounding supernatural sequel, discover what happens to Lanny, Luke, Adair--and Jonathan. "The Reckoning" picks up where "The Taker" leaves off, following Lanny on her path to redemption--and creating a whole new level of suspense
I really loved the first book, The taker, so much that as soon as I finshed it I went to amazon page and bought this one cause I couldn't wait to know how was going to continue Lanny and Adair's story.
This book it's really a patient proof. When Adair is freed it's like he's a little kid. The new age it's different from all he know and his only desire it's to find Lanny and claim revange. But this it's not gonna be easy as soon as Adair find out how strong are his feeling toward her.
Meanwhile, Lanny run away from Luke, afraid of what Adair could do to him when he finally find her. I don't like Luke's character. I understand that he was necessary in the firts book because Lanny needed someone to help her to scape, but I think he's not necesary anymore and and I'm gonna kill myself if Lanny truly fell in love with him and ends with him
I really hated that Adair figured out that Jonathan was ncesary and brought him back. For real, I don't like Jonathan's character either and was really anoiyng read the scenes about Adair asking Jonatha's advice to get Lanny's love.
Anyway, I loved the book. It's as dark and addictive as the first one and once I started reading I couldn't stop. Overall, I loved the change on Adair. OMG!!! I don't care how bad and dark he's and how many damage hi did on his past, he really loves Lanny and hurts him not be able to make her happy. It was awsome reading a little bit more about him and how he became what he's.
Just thinking I must wait almost one year more to read the next book it's enough to make me want to kill someone, I just hope the wait be worth and this dark and uncommon love have a happy end XDD.
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